Bitumen 60/70 Use in Asphalt Paving For Plating The Sandy Surfaces

Bitumen 60/70 in order to prepare the sandy surfaces, the penetrating lime is used to spread the first layer of asphalt, such as surface asphalt, cold asphalt or hot asphalt. In addition to watering the body, the penetration of the road through penetration in the pores and pillars will stabilize the sandy surface of the road and facilitate the adhesion of the asphalt stratum.

Choose The Right Bitumen 60/70

Because the penetration of bitumen 60/70 on the sandy surface depends on its slope after diffusion and therefore on the air temperature, so selecting the type and degree of bitumen 60/70 depends on the following variables that should be considered.

  • environment temperature
  • Relative humidity and wind
  • Surface temperature that smears.
  • Surface texture of the bed
  • Length of bitumen processing time

Subject to the above conditions, the choice of suitable bitumen is classified as follows.

Bitumen 60/70 Bit Rate

The most suitable amount of bitumen 60/70 for penetrating lime is the amount of bitumen after the expiration of the required time of at least 24 hours. The volatile matter of the sublimation and the bitumen are completely absorbed. The following values can generally be used as guides.

For prepared surfaces, depending on whether fine-grained and dense or coarse-grained texture is open, the bitumen content of the solution can vary from 1 to 2 kg per square meter.

Wrap the sand

If not for any reason, the penetration should not be absorbed after 48 hours. There should be an opportunity to make bitumen on the surface In the case of emergency and before full absorption of bitumen, it can be confirmed by the monitoring device with the spread of clean sand on the penetrating lime Extra bitumen absorbed The used sand should be less than 5 mm and the percentage of passage from its 200 sieve should not exceed more than 5 percent.

Control The Temperature Of The Bitumen 60/70

The best rate of dispersion of a Tar is 1-1 ° C, in which the bitumen 60/70 is between 120-20 cm For different solution Bitumen this temperature The bitumen variation graph is determined in different temperatures. Soluble bitumen according to what kind of pure bitumen are produced. Different charts will result in different playback temperatures.

Tools Of Performing Bitumen 60/70 For Asphalt

The following machines are required for making Asphalt water resistance.

  • Mechanical vacuum cleaner
  • Compressed air or compressed air system
  • bitumen sprayer

Mechanical Vacuum Cleaner and Compressed Air System

A mechanical sprayer and a compressor and, if necessary, a sprinkler machine to clean and prepare the prepared surface of the pre-tarnished road.

Bitumen 60/70 Sprayer

Soluble bitumen or pitched bitumen should be spread with compression bubble. This bucket must have the following specifications. In such a way that the pressure from the wheels to the surface of the road does not exceed 6 kg per square centimeter. This can be controlled by measurement in place and, if necessary, by adjusting the wheel pressure, adjust the applied pressure.

The bubble tank must be equipped with a heater and be able to heat the Tar to the degree required to heat it. When heated, the bitumen 60/70 should be circulating and coated with special tools For pulleys that spread the pitches, the Tar circulation system in the tank should also include the pouring pipe and associated valves, otherwise there may be a possibility of breaking the pile and blocking the pipes.

To permanently control the temperature of the bitumen, a thermometer should be installed on the tank The thermometer should be in such a way that it is always exposed and shows the maximum bitumen temperature.

Abrasives that are used to spread pitching shall be thoroughly washed with kerosene or similar materials every day after the end of work. Burning tanks, in the presence of pitcher, must be protected against frost, so that the pit can not freeze and break.

Seasonal Penetration Limitations

The lime penetration should be done when the air is not dirty or foggy and the surface of the road is completely dry if soluble bitumen is used. If the bitumen is to be used, the surface of the surface can have a slight and moderate moisture. For air-to-air penetration, the air in the shade, when it is warm, is better than 10 degrees, and when the air cools, it is more than 15 degrees Celsius. If the operation is performed in such cases that the ambient temperature does not meet the requirements above and the performance of the work is mandatory, bitumen broadcasting should be carried out with the approval of the monitoring device and making the necessary predictions.

Prepare The Surface Of The Asphalt

Prior to the transfer of bitumen, the surface of the prepared road should be cleaned of dust and dust by mechanical brush and compressed air, and in terms of longitudinal and transverse profiles, and tolerance to the operational drawings. The surface cleaning should be done in such a way that the surface texture of the materials is clearly identified and the entire material covered with mechanical wiping and compressed air is removed. When the air is used, when the air is warm, the surface of the road can be wetted before the lime penetration, so that the pitcher is not broken immediately and there is an opportunity for its penetration into the pit before the breakdown of the bitumen.

Asphalt Paving

During asphyxiation, trees and adjacent buildings should be kept protected from impregnation into Tar, and the spreading of bitumen into the air should be prevented on the pavement and at the place and costs. Whenever it is necessary that the operation of the asphalt truck passes through the road, half the width of the road shall be maintained for free travel so that the vehicles do not pass through the dirt surface. The installation of sufficient symbols and the identification of guards and warning lights during the asphalt are mandatory for the safety of the passage.

Bitumen 60/70 Vehicles Movement Control

In general, the program of building a road should be set up so that after the infiltration is carried out and the necessary time is spent, the asphalt is spread on it to prevent the penetration of the lining below the vehicle’s propulsion. Whenever it is urgent to pass vehicles on a part of the road that has been subjected to infiltration, the bitumen must be completely penetrated into the body before it is dried, so that the bitumen will not stick to the vehicle’s wheel. Whenever it is necessary to pass vehicles earlier than this time, it must first be sanded on a sloped surface with sand, as per the monitoring device, and then pass through.

Bitumen 60/70 Quality Control Tests

The quality of the bitumen used for intrusion lining should conform to ASTM D2995 specifications. To determine the amount of bitumen discharged at the surface, a tray test is used so that a test is conducted every 100 meters along the way. At highways and freeways, testing should be done at less intervals, so that at least for every 1,000 square meters the surface of the road would be tested.

Bitumen for Highway

Bitumen for Highway
Bitumen Road Paving